BLUE ISBARS - Pictures and discussion

Does anybody have some eggs they might part with would love to try and get a black.
I am booked up for a few weeks, but if you don't find some in a couple of weeks let me know and I'll see if me and the girls can help you out.
Hatched 2 blue isbars. They are pretty cool looking chicks. About when will i be able to know if they are male or female?

Usually around four or five weeks the males will be clearly noticeable, but If you post some pictures now we'd all love to try and guess.
I just have to share the irony of this little chick's markings. This is a cross between my blue Isbar cockerel and the white Swedish Flower Hen pullet that was keeping him company during their initial quarantine. The pullet was killed by a raccoon only a few days after she started laying. I have 1 more of her eggs in lockdown now. This little one will be named "Rocky".

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