Blue Jays Can be Predatory

Jays can be very aggressive. They're known for attacking the eggs and chicks of wild birds that they find, so I'm not surprised they'd have a go at a chick. I'm really sorry that it happened, though! Honestly, I wouldn't have thought much about a jay potentially swooping in either. I used to always watch for hawks and crows and never considered anything smaller being an issue. At least you had a vet that could handle in your area and I hope your little fluffy one makes a full recovery!
Thank goodness I read this. My hen has 2 chicks and had them out today. I thought the scrub jays may be a problem, so I pulled out a chair and watched. Welllll, I saw the jay, I think there are 3or so in the yard, anyway, I watched him come into the pen and went to the door of the babies coop.. couldn't believe it. Guess I will be putting up more wire
Not really related but it reminded me when you were talking about watching for hawks. My girls were out and there was a hawk pretty high up circling. I called my husband over and said see that? He still makes fun of me. Oh look the hawks going to make off with a chicken. When it happens I’ll be the one upset and saying told you so.
We had a Jay kill 3/5 of our chicks and was after the last 2 but my daughter heard the commotion and ran out (to see her beloved chicks destroyed). She saved the last 2, but It was horrible and we are still traumatized! They are Bantams and I am wondering if full grown they will be safe? They are now about a month but still very small.
I do needed this thread right now! I've been dealing with massive egg breaking and eating that has resisted all my attempts to fix. Mustard, hot sauce, hot pepper juice, lemon juice all had limited to no results this time. I was sitting out in chickenland over the weekend to enjoy my morning and try to rescue the eggs as soon as they were laid, and who showed up? A Scrub Jay. He landed right at the door to the coop and peaked in exactly in the direction of the nest boxes. I stood up, yelled, and scared him off. So far he hasn't come back and so far no broken eggs. I hope that this was enough to convince him that this is not as easy of a meal as he thought.
Our feed store said he had a Jay come in and sit and wait by the feeders for the chicks to stick their heads out :-( he finally got sticky paper that trapped the Jay when it landed. That is the only thing that worked for him

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