Blue laced Red Wyandotte chicks - what sex?

Whatever they are, they are so pretty:) I have three that are 2 weeks old now and can't wait to be able to figure out what sex they are. There is one that is obviously much prettier and darker than the other two so I'm hoping there will be 2 pullets. If I have two pullets and one cockerel, I will keep all three. If it ends up being all cockerels or even two of them, somebody has to leave:) I have 5 SLW pullets that should be laying in the next month or so but my roo died last week from the heat:( I REALLY love he reds though. Stunning birds!
I know this is off topic but got my first blue laced red wyndotte chicks and would like to know when color changes to look like a wyndotte laced


I have other breeds mixed in and can't tell the differnce until they look "laced blue"
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