Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Hen or Roo?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 5, 2012
HI, I have 3 BLRW that are 3 1/2 months old. One I can def tell is a girl and the other I can def tell is a boy (larger red comb and wattle, and getting the curl feathers on the tail) but the one below is right in between those 2 so I cant tell?? I am thinking a roo but wanted to get some second opinions....I would sooooo sooo appreciate any help!

I vote boy. He is pretty. I bought 2 blue laced red wyandottes. both died in the first two weeks. out of 25 or so chicks only two deaths, both were those little guys. too bad!
Thanks guys that was what I was afraid of! Guess he is just a little slower developing that the other one...I am going to have to find him a new home :( I am not having much lucky in the chicken department...This is my first time having chickens (which I fell in love with) I got 5 BLRW and 4 were boys, I got 7 silkies and 4 were Its hard finding them good homes where they wont end up soup!
Don't get rid of it yet. I was not certain when I posted.. the tail feathers are what made me think boy... also the comb.. Probably a boy but she/he might surprise you.
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True....I was convinced my rir was a girl and she started to I will wait and see He/she is just so pretty I have to give her/him up if I dont have too! Besides they are my
theres no doubt about that one being a cockerel due to its coloring and comb/wattle size(10.000% positive on this)...note the dark blue coloring on the wings of the cockerel/roosters that is not there on the pullet/hen

this is what a hen will look like

heres a pullet

heres a cockerel

heres a rooster

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