Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

This is my BLRW. I named her Blubber. That was a recent decision. You'll see why. Even though she is heavy she can still out run me. It is really funny to watch her run. I wanted to pick her to see how heavy she was and finally had to have someone else catch her (with a dipnet I might add) I didn't weigh her but she is pretty heavy.

I think she isn't laying any eggs right now. If anyone sees this can you tell if you have had problems with your chicken not laying because she is to fat. I haven't seen her in the egg box for awhile. I'm thinking of rehoming her if she doesn't start laying again pretty soon.
This is my BLRW. I named her Blubber. That was a recent decision. You'll see why. Even though she is heavy she can still out run me. It is really funny to watch her run. I wanted to pick her to see how heavy she was and finally had to have someone else catch her (with a dipnet I might add) I didn't weigh her but she is pretty heavy. I think she isn't laying any eggs right now. If anyone sees this can you tell if you have had problems with your chicken not laying because she is to fat. I haven't seen her in the egg box for awhile. I'm thinking of rehoming her if she doesn't start laying again pretty soon.
I have heard that fat chickens don't lay eggs. She is a Chuck!
Hi Everyone ,
So glad i found this thread I am confused about colors in the BLRW new to this breed.Here are some pics can

someone help me out?

I posted above each pic what I think they are thoughts please

This pic I think from left to right male black laced and a male Blue laced in the middle

This pic Female Blue laced red

This Pic black laced

This pic male blue laced

this male splash
The top single female photo is a splash.

The second might be a dark blue or black, I think dark blue

The last two male pics you have correct.

But I'm also New to this breed I'm still learning.
Chick 3. Thank you for any help you may have!! :)
a bit early to tell, but I see pink in all their combs which usually means male

This is my BLRW. I named her Blubber. That was a recent decision. You'll see why. Even though she is heavy she can still out run me. It is really funny to watch her run. I wanted to pick her to see how heavy she was and finally had to have someone else catch her (with a dipnet I might add) I didn't weigh her but she is pretty heavy.

I think she isn't laying any eggs right now. If anyone sees this can you tell if you have had problems with your chicken not laying because she is to fat. I haven't seen her in the egg box for awhile. I'm thinking of rehoming her if she doesn't start laying again pretty soon.
she is quite round!
she almost looks puffy like she's broody?
also sometimes hens will stop laying 1-2 weeks before molting. how old is she?

Hi Everyone ,
So glad i found this thread I am confused about colors in the BLRW new to this breed.Here are some pics can

someone help me out?

I posted above each pic what I think they are thoughts please

This pic I think from left to right male black laced and a male Blue laced in the middle

black cockerel, splash cockerel

This pic Female Blue laced red

I see this as Splash

This Pic black laced

this is blue laced, not black

This pic male blue laced

this is either splash or very light blue (you want dark blue). you can darken it by using a black laced

this male splash

agree splash
Thanks everyone can someone post a picture of a BLRW male?

This is the cockerel in my main breeding pen.

Thank Viola for the input! I was kind of leaning towards male on two of the would be sad if all 3 were males :( When can you definitively say one way or another?..aside from the first crow attempt :) Are there any other things to look for? Thank you for the help!

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