Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Another of my Maisey girl.
They are different in that if you see any pink wattles early it is a male. They have the same wattle length as they grow and mature till about 18 weeks than the males get longer and females stay the same. The comb is flatter in a pullet. The males have a fuller and thicker comb. The feathers at the neck and saddle if round are pullet, if pointed, it is a cockerel. That happens at about 16 weeks or older. These mature slower than other breeds. I would not use any of these birds. They do not have the body structure, nor the correct color. They are to narrow in the rear. If you use these birds you are taking the breed backwards and not forward. This bird is a pet quality bird. It is gold and should be a mahogany red. It is narrow and no chest. The body style reminds me of a hatchery EE. The wing placement is too low. When you think of the body structure of a BLRW think of a round circle.
If I was an artist i would make the correct color and body structure of a BLRW. I simply do not have that talent. This is that you need in a body. Round, soft, beautiful structure. X2 about the Roos quality and breeding plans. This is the is closer to red brown. It is called mahogany. It is not orange, yellow or any in that family. It is a beautiful deep rich Mahogany.
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When you think of the body structure of a BLRW think of a round circle.

If I was an artist i would make the correct color and body structure of a BLRW. I simply do not have that talent.
This is that you need in a body. Round, soft, beautiful structure.

This is the is closer to red brown. It is called mahogany. It is not orange, yellow or any in that family. It is a beautiful deep rich Mahogany.
I just love these round hens. Are they some of your stock delisha? Any history on how you developed your line?

My 4 week old looks like that! Think its a roo?, pink bumpy comb and little wattles
If comb is red and bumpy at 4 weeks, most likely a cockerel. :)
I just love these round hens. Are they some of your stock delisha? Any history on how you developed your line?

The birds in delisha's post are Jerry Foley's birds. Beautiful! Aren't they perfect!! Foley is the best as far as BLRWs are concerned.

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