Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Here are my two BLRWs. They are both 12 weeks old. Everybody keeps telling they're roos.
I can't keep them if they are. They're the only two I have and I've always wanted some.
I'm still hoping for hens.
I probably will until they start to crow. LOL

Here they are as babies. I got them from the same bin, along with the Cuckoo Marans.

This was about a week ago.

This is today.

Oh I'm so sorry, do you know what caused its death? That one looks Black to me as well.

No idea why it died. We did everything we could and it just got worse and worse. I guess it was just weak. We talked to the breeder we got it from and he agreed. And we got another splash to replace it. :)
It is hard to place pet quality cockerels or any cockerels for that matter.
A few things to think about..and this in and my opinion NOT directed to anyone
Have you read craigs list and seen the volume of *rooster free to home.. not for meat*. adds?
The volume is increasing monthly and will continue to increase unless people start to change.

Has anyone read the newest statistics about backyard chickens?

There are now over 50,000 unwanted chickens being dumped off at animal shelters and left loose because too many people do not want the males or unproductive females or sick birds and will not eat them, or do not have a plan in place what to do with them when the eventually of it happening. Those same people swore they love chickens and could not possibly kill them and eat them. Is that responsibly animal husbandry? It is a horrible existence for those unwanted. They are back in battery cages and live in them 24/7 or worse yet dumped off on back roads left to wander around and give diseases to other responsible chicken owners flocks or attacked and mauled by other animals. Lets all think about a plan before the inevitable happens. Chickens do not live a long life. They are not productive for long periods of time. Do you have a plan? Do you know what you are going to do with all of your unwanted and unproductive chickens? For all of you that have a plan and are responsible chicken owners..your chickens thank you, I thank you, and the over crowded animal shelters thank you.
It is hard to place pet quality cockerels or any cockerels for that matter.
A few things to think about..and this in and my opinion NOT directed to anyone
Have you read craigs list and seen the volume of *rooster free to home.. not for meat*. adds?
The volume is increasing monthly and will continue to increase unless people start to change.

Has anyone read the newest statistics about backyard chickens?

There are now over 50,000 unwanted chickens being dumped off at animal shelters and left loose because too many people do not want the males or unproductive females or sick birds and will not eat them, or do not have a plan in place what to do with them when the eventually of it happening. Those same people swore they love chickens and could not possibly kill them and eat them. Is that responsibly animal husbandry? It is a horrible existence for those unwanted. They are back in battery cages and live in them 24/7 or worse yet dumped off on back roads left to wander around and give diseases to other responsible chicken owners flocks or attacked and mauled by other animals. Lets all think about a plan before the inevitable happens. Chickens do not live a long life. They are not productive for long periods of time. Do you have a plan? Do you know what you are going to do with all of your unwanted and unproductive chickens? For all of you that have a plan and are responsible chicken owners..your chickens thank you, I thank you, and the over crowded animal shelters thank you.
This is good advice!! My Wyandotte roosters are very tasty at 18 weeks... If you plan on raising and breeding chickens its almost a must to be able to butcher unwanted roosters... Just something to think about.
Amen, I agree, to many people are just getting cockerels and then giving them away to awful lives where it would have been kinder to kill them and eat them, I keep my unproductive chickens until they die and my unwanted Roos are eaten or is they are pure bred sold at shows

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