Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I think part of the problem is people think chicks are pets and not livestock. I am just going to stop here with my comment because I can really go off on a rant about this.
This chick I thought would be black, it's looking blue now! Any gender guess's?

My splash, I have been thinking a rooster all along because of how it acts

And the last one


Their hatch date is around June 8
I have a pet chick because I had 4 friesian hatching eggs but when the forth hatched it was a campine so I fell in love with it and was going to keep it wat ever the gender but thankfully it is a hen, I love her, she's called goldilocks, but my others are eaten if they are spare cockerels
It is hard to place pet quality cockerels or any cockerels for that matter.
A few things to think about..and this in and my opinion NOT directed to anyone
Have you read craigs list and seen the volume of *rooster free to home.. not for meat*. adds?
The volume is increasing monthly and will continue to increase unless people start to change.

Has anyone read the newest statistics about backyard chickens?

There are now over 50,000 unwanted chickens being dumped off at animal shelters and left loose because too many people do not want the males or unproductive females or sick birds and will not eat them, or do not have a plan in place what to do with them when the eventually of it happening. Those same people swore they love chickens and could not possibly kill them and eat them. Is that responsibly animal husbandry? It is a horrible existence for those unwanted. They are back in battery cages and live in them 24/7 or worse yet dumped off on back roads left to wander around and give diseases to other responsible chicken owners flocks or attacked and mauled by other animals. Lets all think about a plan before the inevitable happens. Chickens do not live a long life. They are not productive for long periods of time. Do you have a plan? Do you know what you are going to do with all of your unwanted and unproductive chickens? For all of you that have a plan and are responsible chicken owners..your chickens thank you, I thank you, and the over crowded animal shelters thank you.

if it's a good quality bird, I try to sell it first. older hens will either go to homes that understand they won't lay regularly, live here (the 'pet' ones I like), or get processed (the 'non-pets').

excess roos go to swaps with me regularly. sometimes they find homes, sometimes not. I don't make stipulations regarding eating or otherwise. give me $5 he's yours to do what you want.

incurable or unfixable birds are culled and eaten or disposed of depending on issue. (curable and fixable are... like the EE in my hospital cage right now with a broken leg.)

my theory is, even at $5 a bird, it's one less mouth i'm feeding every day. and a cheap meal for someone else, if they're so inclined. if I can't even sell them for $5, then they get cleaned, the breast and thighs go in my freezer for me and either the dog eats the rest (raw bones are digested, cooked are brittle) or I bake it and let the other chickens pick the bones (out of reach of the dog and cats).

side note: if I ever get a pressure cooker, i'll use that. then the dog can eat the bones too, since pressure cooking makes them soft not brittle.

I have a pet chick because I had 4 friesian hatching eggs but when the forth hatched it was a campine so I fell in love with it and was going to keep it wat ever the gender but thankfully it is a hen, I love her, she's called goldilocks, but my others are eaten if they are spare cockerels
what's a Friesian besides a breed of horse? that's a new one to me...

I have a few favorites, but none I would call pets...
we have 80 chickens including young ones. they are all pets to us. each breed is separated they have their on pen n coop. our older hens are loose. we eat their eggs
Great advice! No one likes the fact of butchering roosters but it's the cycle of life. You must be a responsible pet owner whether it be chickens, dogs, cats ect.

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