Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Originally Posted by DMRippy
I am entering one of my BLRW in the next show. I have 6 weeks to get this bird in condition. She is a little on the small side yet and I think I need to add some calf manna to her daily feed. I probably should start to cage train her already too. She will just hit 6 months. I hope I can get her up to 61/2 lbs in 6 weeks. My meal worms are not growing fast enough.
no mealworms are SLOW GOING! I have millions and still don't feed them out LOL. My birds are all penned and don't get out ever! I feed a feed that is 22% and pork based feed. I too feel that they need the MEAT!
my solution for mealworms is to just buy them... has the best source and is reasonably priced. they also sell crickets too, raised for reptile consumption so they're clean (aka free of parasites). pretty much any bugs for reptile consumption, chickens will devour too.
I am entering one of my BLRW in the next show. I have 6 weeks to get this bird in condition. She is a little on the small side yet and I think I need to add some calf manna to her daily feed. I probably should start to cage train her already too. She will just hit 6 months. I hope I can get her up to 61/2 lbs in 6 weeks. My meal worms are not growing fast enough.

no mealworms are SLOW GOING! I have millions and still don't feed them out LOL. My birds are all penned and don't get out ever! I feed a feed that is 22% and pork based feed. I too feel that they need the MEAT!

my solution for mealworms is to just buy them... has the best source and is reasonably priced. they also sell crickets too, raised for reptile consumption so they're clean (aka free of parasites).  pretty much any bugs for reptile consumption, chickens will devour too.

that gets expensive. if I had a small flock I could keep up now but I have 600 chickens and a million would not go far and would go quick. I just sell mealworms and kit to help pay the feed for chickens.
that gets expensive. if I had a small flock I could keep up now but I have 600 chickens and a million would not go far and would go quick. I just sell mealworms and kit to help pay the feed for chickens.
Goodness Donna, 600 chickens, wow is all I can say. That is a ton of work.
Just bought these guys today, I got three hens and a rooster. This is them in the car on the way home
Wow! The seller didn't have a box?? HOLY CRAP!! bet you had a lot to clean up when you got home!!
My birds get meat daily..they hunt there own. My Orpingtons and Silkies get it twice a week. They are in limited pasture. It is only an area of 40fs and sectioned off in three sections. I have planted spinach, clover and kale in that pasture so they have good food, they just lack a large volume of meat. I think the protein level for chickens should be composed of the meat portion being a large percentage. I have a ton of bugs in the compost pile and I grow out weed worms and meal worms for the winter. If I lived in a warmer climate i would grow a self feeding bug container. I feed all organ meat back to the chickens including intestines.
What are weed worms ?
Organ meat from the chickens you process ? Wow, never thought of that. I'm not squeamish, but that's just a little creepy..................... chickens eating chickens
Well from now on when I process the roos, what the dogs don't get the chickens will. Thanks for sharing all of this info.
Quote: look at it from purely a physical development standpoint... nearly ALL birds with bald facial skin are opportunists that eat anything they can find... this includes buzzards/vultures, chickens and even some kinds of parrots, like the macaws. that bald facial skin is easier to keep clean than a head full of pretty feathers. especially when dealing with things that might be messy.

my macaw gets the large turkey bones and splits them lengthwise to get the marrow out.

the only thing I DO NOT process or feed to the chickens are the predators we kill... they carry enough diseases I don't want to chance any of that getting into MY food supply.
look at it from purely a physical development standpoint... nearly ALL birds with bald facial skin are opportunists that eat anything they can find... this includes buzzards/vultures, chickens and even some kinds of parrots, like the macaws. that bald facial skin is easier to keep clean than a head full of pretty feathers. especially when dealing with things that might be messy.

my macaw gets the large turkey bones and splits them lengthwise to get the marrow out.

the only thing I DO NOT process or feed to the chickens are the predators we kill... they carry enough diseases I don't want to chance any of that getting into MY food supply.
Thanks Karen ! That helps take the creepiness out of it. I love hearing other peoples opinions & ideas about taking care of their chickens. It helps to make me a better caretaker of my birds.
My birds get meat daily..they hunt there own. My Orpingtons and Silkies get it twice a week. They are in limited pasture. It is only an area of 40fs and sectioned off in three sections. I have planted spinach, clover and kale in that pasture so they have good food, they just lack a large volume of meat. I think the protein level for chickens should be composed of the meat portion being a large percentage. I have a ton of bugs in the compost pile and I grow out weed worms and meal worms for the winter. If I lived in a warmer climate i would grow a self feeding bug container. I feed all organ meat back to the chickens including intestines.
When you process your chickens and feed the meat and intestines back, do you do any preparation to them or just feed them back as they are?
What are weed worms ?
Organ meat from the chickens you process ? Wow, never thought of that. I'm not squeamish, but that's just a little creepy..................... chickens eating chickens
Well from now on when I process the roos, what the dogs don't get the chickens will. Thanks for sharing all of this info.
Chickens eating chickens is why I said I would never have chickens for 40 years. When I did agree to having chickens they could not be white ones!

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