Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Being a new chicken owner, I get a bit confused about some of the references to color and patterns sometimes.
I am a bit confused about what makes a splash a splash.
I do not always know or see the subtle differences that make the difference between a really, really pretty chicken and a model of the standard.

I had also visited Mr Foley's site and he has absolutely stunning birds and discusses getting the BLRW accepted but I did not find a written standard he was working toward.
Maybe I missed it?
I have a better idea about what I should look for as my BLRW feather out and realize that I should also be patient.
Looking at the pics I can envision his goal to some extent, but that is not the same as a published A.P.A. standard.

I do think I will order the book just for my own education.
blue is a dilution of black and is incompletely dominant. that means that a bird carrying only 1 copy of the blue gene will be darker than a bird with 2 copies (aka splash).

blue can be a variety of shades, as already stated, but the standard for most breeds requires a dark blue with black edging to the feather (andalusians are a good example). it's not laced, just the way the color is applied to the feather as it grows. the outer edges are formed first when the pigment is darkest and fades as the feather grows...

splash is the homozygous form of blue (carrying 2 copies of the gene) and is a very pale silvery blue with occasional 'splashes' of blue seen randomly on the bird.

the blue girl of Jerry Foley's shown above is too light IMO, though it is a very pretty bird. My first thought was that she was splash, since it is so light.
this is my own splash girl (my only girl left since I lost my black laced foley girl last month).

also, with regards to the standard for lacing... the lacing should be a narrow edge of color on a feather with a different base color. the only difference between the varieties is the colors that go into them... gold laced (black edge with gold center), silver laced (black edge with white center ), blue laced red (blue edge with mahogany red center).
there are more details to the specifics of what is looked for in the lacing, but you can take that from either gold or silver laced standards and apply that to which ever color variety you want to work with.
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I wanted some opinions on these lil ladies, if anyone is interested. They are both 15 weeks, this week so still pretty young, but it seems like their lacing get better everyday! Lol I know they are not anywhere close to show.


I can only put one pic pet post
I wanted some opinions on these lil ladies, if anyone is interested. They are both 15 weeks, this week so still pretty young, but it seems like their lacing get better everyday! Lol I know they are not anywhere close to show.


I can only put one pic pet post


And this one, she has double lacing on her chest

I like the color and lacing on them, but I'm interesred on what delisha has to say.
I wanted some opinions on these lil ladies, if anyone is interested. They are both 15 weeks, this week so still pretty young, but it seems like their lacing get better everyday! Lol I know they are not anywhere close to show.

i'll wait and see what delisha says on type too, but know she would like more pics, front rear top and sides...

as for the 'double lacing' that's not... what you're seeing is the dark edge to the blue that's normal for the blue colors on any variety.

a 'solid' blue bird is supposed to have a darker edge with lighter center. it has to do with how the mutation works in restricting the black pigment... when the feather first starts growing the pigment is put on heavier, then something switches in the mechanism and reduces the pigment even further.

I don't know the specifics of how pigments are produced, but there are switches that turn on and off telling it to apply black, base color, or white, or whatever... depending on the genetics determines what colors are put down when. whether it's laced, barred, mille fleur, whatever.

so what you're really seeing is the normal darker blue edge with lighter blue, then the red center. - I can comment, shafting is not desirable for laced varieties, but their red seems to be ok, if a bit paler, possibly because of the lightness to the blue/splash.
Conformation is not totally visible. It is hard to judge the total bird. I will comment on what I see and that is not fair to the birds.

1. They look to have nice flat shoulders
2. One tail looks too narrow and almost pinched in the much do they weigh?
3. They look long and not round.
4. It looks like lower chests are developing and might fill in a bit more, but that is a guess.

I would say from the pictures I see.... these bird might have little potential as breeders, I would like to see more pictures and what they look like in a month. My first impression is *Rock* type and not close to Wyandotte.

I like the color, it is dark enough for a splash and quite pretty. It has shafting, however that is easy to correct with the right bird.
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ki4got and delisha, thank you so much!

I now have a better understanding about color and lacing. It is going to be so much fun to watch these 6 chicks grow up. I can already tell I have a variety pack of color/pattern possibilities. I am seeing the very pale blue shades and many shades of "red", watching for black or some darker blue to show up. They should be interesting. Cross you fingers that at least one will look like a BLRW in any of the varieties.

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