Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

here is a update on the boy I got from Karen
Every molt the red gets darker, his wing tips and a little on his chest isa little orangey however those are the spots he has not gotten new feathers lately.

here is a update on the boy I got from Karen
Every molt the red gets darker, his wing tips and a little on his chest isa little orangey however those are the spots he has not gotten new feathers lately.

thanks for posting his pics... comparing him to the one that ridinshotgun has (i'm getting back too) looks like she may still be a she.

can't wait to see you again at Gilmanor!
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Thank you! Thank you!
I was thinking they looked a bit rockish in type, maybe theyve been hanging out with my barred ricks too much, haha! But thanks for checking them out! ill post some more pics in about a month and and see how they look.
here is a update on the boy I got from Karen Every molt the red gets darker, his wing tips and a little on his chest isa little orangey however those are the spots he has not gotten new feathers lately.
that red comb face and waddles scrambled roo to me. if that is a pullet she should be laying. sorry
Quote: we know he's a 'he' donna... that's why i'm getting him back. to save him from freezer camp and have a backup since i'm down to just the 1 roo and hen (his parents).

this is the 'she' I was referring to. same age as the boy above.

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Karen my boy is 18 weeks and is still super sweet, however I have 2 year old hens that beat up on him regularly and 3- 22 week pullets (grrrrr how are they not laying by now!!!) that also stomp him reguarly. He is huge, he towers over all the hens and is kind of a dufus.
here is a update on the boy I got from Karen Every molt the red gets darker, his wing tips and a little on his chest isa little orangey however those are the spots he has not gotten new feathers lately.
that red comb face and waddles scrambled roo to me. if that is a pullet she should be laying. sorry
we know he's a 'he' donna... that's why i'm getting him back. to save him from freezer camp and have a backup since i'm down to just the 1 roo and hen (his parents). this is the 'she' I was referring to. same age as the boy above.
AAAAAHHHHHH yeah that is a she hehehe
Wanted to show my Splash roo growing out he is MASSIVE much bigger than dad.
can I get some advice please. this guy is just 7-8 months old and is really really big. the advice would like is how do I put him with some hens? he is really big and has never been with girls before so I am afraid he will hut them. is there some way to train him without him killing a hen?

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