Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I guess pullet on crystal and ruby. Greyling I am unsure just because the poses dont show too much. But my guess is also pullet.

Im still very new to the guessing game :)
Waiting to see what the pro's think...

Breeder says pullet but others on BYC have said Ruby & Crystal cockerels but keep hoping. Question those two as their combs are "redder" & bigger than Greyling. Greyling I'm quite sure is pullet, comb is smaller than the other two & no color to it. I'm new to the rose comb... Thanks for your input.

they look like all P to me..I would take her too..she looks good for her age.

I keep hoping they're all pullets, know Greyling for sure as her comb is so small & no color whereas Ruby & Crystal's comb are noticeable & has more color to it. I'm not familiar with rose combs, breeder says they're all pullets but others on BYC have said Ruby & Crystal are cockerels. Figure I'll give them a few more weeks, keep my fingers crossed, the breeder said she'd take any back....I'd sell Ruby if she turned out to be a he but we're in Hilo, HI...
New pictures of my pretty girls :) 5-6 months old now



I would say they are all pullets. Crystal and Ruby look just like my Cinnamon and Bluebell!!! It is uncanny how much... if you had a cockeral.. you would know.. I questioned mine too when they were younger, but mine are 15 weeks as well and the boys have really long waddles and the saddle feathers are in... and they crow... ALL THE TIME!!! ; )

Definitely all pullets, roosters would have a much fatter comb by 15 weeks, my silver laced roo is about 10 and his comb is fatter than their combs, definitely pullets

whops.. meant to quote the pictures!!
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I have a wonderful friend I met on this thread. She has helped me through a horrible experience. My hat's off to delisha. Thank you for helping me and thank you for giving me advice. You a wonderful person and I'm so glad you are my friend and you are willing to give advise and help. I think the world is better off because of people like you. God bless you, and thank you.
Hey everyone,
Ive noticed that people have asked for pics of chicks at different weeks old, ive made an album of mine on my profile. There are 45 pics up to week 7 in blrw timeline album. There would be further ages but the mobile part of the site changed and I can no longer up load pics. Argh!
Thought it might help, I could never find a pic and decided make an archive in a sense
Hope it helps if anyone needs it!

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