Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I think she is a pulled. she does not have much color for me to be sure....but pretty sure she is a she.

splash is the most popular color I sell. everyone love's the contrast of the dark mahogany with the white lacing....very pretty color. black is probably the lest popular because they look like a GLW.

all colors can be used for breeding. pairing a splash with black results in all blue to blue gives you all three colors.
So, because all three colors are wanted, you can still breed all the different color types...Right?
Blue x Blue would be ideal... crossing in black every few yrs w the blue to better your blue. Splash will only take you away from the mahogany red... Cull hard and never breed anything with orangey/rusty color!! Most important thing that I've learned from breeders of any type comes first!..... it should look like a wyandotte before u worry about color.
I see a lot of the wrong color and birds lacking type.. They work just fine in a laying coop tho but should not be used for breeding!!!

Recommend anyone interested in breeding BLRW visit Jerry Foley's web site.. Whether you are breeding his lines or not he has mastered breeding these beautiful birds and has great advise!
He has started the
From my understanding breeding the splash will delute the dark mahogany color desired for the BLRW...
Most times that is correct

Looks like a pullet to me. As far as color, when breeding blues there are three possibilities and splash is just one. I like all three colors, they all are useful and pretty.

Splash is the most popular color..for breeding and showing it is not as popular. A good splash is sometimes necessary since splash will help with lacing.
Splash to splash dilutes the red. Splash to black is a way to avoid that.

So, because all three colors are wanted, you can still breed all the different color types...Right?
Yes you can

Blue X Blue = 50% Blue, 25% Black, 25% Splash
Blue X Black = 50% Blue, 50% Black
Blue X Splash = 50% Blue, 50% Splash
Black X Black = 100% Black
Splash X Splash = 100% Splash
Splash X Black = 100% Blue

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