Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Quick question, what color eggs should I be getting? I thought I had all brown (one white the rest are supposed to be shades of brown)

A picture of the random colored egg. Most of the girls are laying, but a few have yet to, mostly my wyandottes, but i thought i saw this pullet in the box that had this green/blue egg, and it was a box not used often, so i think it was from this girl.

layers, and today i found a light blue/green egg. i'm wondering if my splash hen, (the only one out of 5 that don't quite look like she should, her color is way off, picture attached of her) Im wondering if she is a mix instead. I got them from a private party off Craigslist.
It i difficult at best for anyone to guess the genetics of your chickens. I do not see any heritage breeds in your pens. I can guess the white came from the leghorn-white hen. But again that would be a guess. The paternal and maternal gene pool from the hen determines the color of the egg. The bird you are pointing out could possibly be an EE or a legbar cross.
Ok so she did not post her pictures..I will post one more.. This is a June hatch so he has some growing to do. Beautiful full front. His tail is just starting. He is going to be a stunner. He is a little brassy, but not bad and should moult it out.:fl
Haha thanks del! Things have been so crazy every time I am in town lately! I will give it a shot and see if the smart phone will work. Quick description; blackie is the black. Z is the blue that is brassy. Sauce is the blue that has awesome color, but not filled out yet. I do not have any amazing hens :-( I will be using ellis (splash) for my first breeding. I know this is not the norm using a splash, but... She is not good color. But the best type hen I have. I will be pairing her with blackie. In hopes that these chicks will have the good type. And pairing them with sauce to hopefully improve upon color. If pics will not post tonight, I WILL find the time to post them tomorrow. I am completely open to corrective criticism, and critiques. This is my very first experience with blrw. And I have a lot to learn!!


This is my big boy, Blue. Very handsome, yes he is a little brassy in his hackle and saddle feathers, but what do ya do? He hatched around the 1st of may this year. He is very big, but i have yet to weigh him.

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