Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!


I have always loved this bird..beautiful deep mahogany red..beautiful type, not to bad of a comb.
When posting pictures for critique:
Front, side, over the top and rear. like you have time for all of
Your splash girl has nice type, but that color is know how I feel about
I sure hope blacky helps with color. They should make beautiful baby's.
Next year I should have some pullets for you to choose from if you want to add just pullets. Maybe in June..
Maybe Max will have some baby's from his new birds too..
Thanks! He is one of your ;-) I think he is just coming along a bit slower then his brothers. He is at the bottom of the pecking order.
Wish I would have got a couple nice hens! I am happy with the roos :)
The ones that develop slower tend to be the better birds when they mature. So be patient with him...
Thanks guys! I tried every angle. I think I need a rear view of blackie yet. They are all 3 just getting over molt. Yes z has a lot of soft feathers... he is not included in a breeding program at this time. But will stick around. He is syd's fav :)
I will be keeping sauce around in high hopes.
You are welcome anytime! And pullets are too ! ;-)

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