Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I've had girls do tat to me before, start out nicely laced then the patter goes all haywire after the first real moult...   I think that's why a lot of old timers always preferred waiting until after their first real moult to start breeding. because then you know what you've REALLY got to work with...

fortunately, my splash laced girl's lacing is just as clear now as it was when I got her.  which is good ince she's my ONLY blrw girl (tho I have 3 lf and 1 bantam roos)

I think the 2 chicks hatched from her so far are a pair... so that's 1 more girl :fl

and delisha's eggs are due next Friday.  :fl :fl

There's wisdom in the old timers' methods.

Good luck with your hatch! I have 20 set to hatch Monday but they will be heading to a new home.
I love reading all the wisdom in this thread and talking to such like minded chicken people. You guys are great! :clap

So, I'm going to be putting these 3 in a breeding pen next week just to hatch a few eggs and see what I get. They're not perfect, but the best I have right now. The roo is still young and could change a lot. The girls have things I don't love about them but they are worth playing around with until I get better ones.




Also, all my chicks arrived from Max safe and sound. They are fabulous looking chicks and I can't wait to see how they turn out! I am an extremely happy chick momma right now! I'll keep everyone posted :D

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Max...nice hard tent too..good decision not to breed her since you have better quality to choose are on the way up to improve quality the right way..great job!
I've had girls do tat to me before, start out nicely laced then the patter goes all haywire after the first real moult... I think that's why a lot of old timers always preferred waiting until after their first real moult to start breeding. because then you know what you've REALLY got to work with...

fortunately, my splash laced girl's lacing is just as clear now as it was when I got her. which is good ince she's my ONLY blrw girl (tho I have 3 lf and 1 bantam roos)

I think the 2 chicks hatched from her so far are a pair... so that's 1 more girl

and delisha's eggs are due next Friday.

I am still have 8 viable eggs? I am sure they will all hatch..they are like little bombs when they hatch..they pop out like popcorn. ..Careful on humidity..they don't like it too high..I dry hatch..never over 45.
Chickenhill has got some good birds!
She sure does!!
I love reading all the wisdom in this thread and talking to such like minded chicken people. You guys are great!

So, I'm going to be putting these 3 in a breeding pen next week just to hatch a few eggs and see what I get. They're not perfect, but the best I have right now. The roo is still young and could change a lot. The girls have things I don't love about them but they are worth playing around with until I get better ones.

Also, all my chicks arrived from Max safe and sound. They are fabulous looking chicks and I can't wait to see how they turn out! I am an extremely happy chick momma right now! I'll keep everyone posted

Max is the best..healthy lil chicks he sends..

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