Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Hiyas. I just joined the BLRW club. I got 4 new chicks 2 weeks ago from mypetchicken. I ordered through them since I'm limited on space and wanted to pick out 4 very specific birds of the same age to raise together to merge with my current flock of 4. I'm new to the breed so I've been scanning this thread to learn some more about them. I ordered 1 BLRW with this batch of chicks. Not sure how she'll turn out but I'll love her no matter what. Here's Alexstrasza!!!!

Aly at few days old

about 2 weeks with her new sister Bunny (white Silkie)
I posted my two a couple of weeks ago asking for gender help. I'm now sure one of them is a pullet, but still undecided on the second one.
Chick in question, Chippy, is 6 weeks, and has a straight comb. I know the comb is a dq, we aren't looking to breed. I can't have a roo, just trying to figure out what my chicks are! Any thought? Thanks!

I posted my two a couple of weeks ago asking for gender help. I'm now sure one of them is a pullet, but still undecided on the second one.
Chick in question, Chippy, is 6 weeks, and has a straight comb. I know the comb is a dq, we aren't looking to breed. I can't have a roo, just trying to figure out what my chicks are! Any thought? Thanks!

I'm going with cockerel based on the pinkness in the wattles and comb at just 6 weeks - sorry!
My boys didnt crow until 17 weeks. So you could possibly keep him as long as 16 weeks which is processing age (aprox) if you are open to it!

Here are my latest hatches, 17/23 hatched on day 18 & 19 along with their baby sitter chick a month old. 2 pips so far on the 6 left.

What a bunch of cuties. I'm glad to see your post, I just started a thread asking about early hatches.

A few weeks ago I started collecting eggs to put in the incubator. They sat on my kitchen counter in a basket for a few days, depending on when they were collected. I do free range my chickens, so it's also possible they sat in a nest outside for a day or two before being collected, although I know where most of the nests are. I have a couple of broodies, but they are setting on nests in the coop, nothing that was collected from the incubator came from a nest with an actively sitting hen.

The eggs were put into the incubator the Thursday before Memorial Day weekend. So image my surprise today when I went in to check the incubator temperature and found 2 chicks running around in there. 1 is completely dried and fluffed, probably hatched yesterday. The other is dry but not fluffed, probably hatched this morning.

I know it's been warm here, but is it possible it was warm enough for these eggs to actually start incubating outside the incubator? That's the only thing I can think of, considering it's been 16-17 days (depending on if you count the day I put them in) since I set them, I wasn't even going to put them into lock down until tomorrow.

I have on occasion found eggs that were laid in a nest that is only in the shade part time, I've actually cracked open a few duck eggs (they drop them in the weirdest places) that had started to cook from being in the sun. The first time it happened it freaked me out, but then one day when collecting eggs I picked one up that wasn't just warm but hot to the touch, and realized what was happening.

Has anyone else ever heard of something like this happening? I candled a couple of days ago and tossed the ones that weren't developing, some were fuller/darker than others but I didn't really think anything of it.

The two that couldn't wait to meet the world. The one on the right looks like a BLRW, I believe the one on the left is a SLW but I have eggs from my Wyandotte and layer flocks in the incubator and didn't bother to mark which was which since I'm keeping all of them.

Nobody else has externally pipped, I had an egg turner in the incubator and had to get it out of there so I checked each egg as a moved them around. I didn't candle for an internal pip or really listen, just went ahead and put them in lockdown and we'll see who hatches when.
What a bunch of cuties. I'm glad to see your post, I just started a thread asking about early hatches.

A few weeks ago I started collecting eggs to put in the incubator. They sat on my kitchen counter in a basket for a few days, depending on when they were collected. I do free range my chickens, so it's also possible they sat in a nest outside for a day or two before being collected, although I know where most of the nests are. I have a couple of broodies, but they are setting on nests in the coop, nothing that was collected from the incubator came from a nest with an actively sitting hen.

The eggs were put into the incubator the Thursday before Memorial Day weekend. So image my surprise today when I went in to check the incubator temperature and found 2 chicks running around in there. 1 is completely dried and fluffed, probably hatched yesterday. The other is dry but not fluffed, probably hatched this morning.

I know it's been warm here, but is it possible it was warm enough for these eggs to actually start incubating outside the incubator? That's the only thing I can think of, considering it's been 16-17 days (depending on if you count the day I put them in) since I set them, I wasn't even going to put them into lock down until tomorrow.

I have on occasion found eggs that were laid in a nest that is only in the shade part time, I've actually cracked open a few duck eggs (they drop them in the weirdest places) that had started to cook from being in the sun. The first time it happened it freaked me out, but then one day when collecting eggs I picked one up that wasn't just warm but hot to the touch, and realized what was happening.

Has anyone else ever heard of something like this happening? I candled a couple of days ago and tossed the ones that weren't developing, some were fuller/darker than others but I didn't really think anything of it.

The two that couldn't wait to meet the world. The one on the right looks like a BLRW, I believe the one on the left is a SLW but I have eggs from my Wyandotte and layer flocks in the incubator and didn't bother to mark which was which since I'm keeping all of them.

Nobody else has externally pipped, I had an egg turner in the incubator and had to get it out of there so I checked each egg as a moved them around. I didn't candle for an internal pip or really listen, just went ahead and put them in lockdown and we'll see who hatches when.
Well most of the ones hatched this batch were already pipped on day 17. I went to candle Thursday night as I couldn't do it Friday(lockdown day) as I had plans away all day. To my amazement their were over 10 externally pipped, so took off turner and took out dividers. This incubator was my Brinsea Eco 20 which always hatches early, I'm blaming it on a little higher temp. My home made foam one with the hova turner in it is on time but when I checked my other home made bator I found most of the EE had externally pipped also. That bator also runs a little higher on the temps as it's run with a baseboard heater thermostat. I was also told if you do run a little higher temp that your chicks will be pullets, so this could explain my extremely high pullet count this year. I also have a few hundred in my old Jamesway industrial bator I picked up a few months ago and those are all on time for growth as I'm just running at the mark as it was hard to get the temps up on it so I threw in another heater from a spare on the bottom. My eggs are collected daily and they are penned so I never find some stashed away anywhere to not have my dates right. However this last hatch I had the eggs sitting on my counter for about 13 days as I had no incubator room from the previous hatches in between setting up the new bators. They will never sit that long now that I have room but I've had them sit out for over 2 weeks before and had them hatch perfectly fine. I know some say they aren't viable after 7 days but that is just not true.

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