Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I picked up this baby BLRW yesterday, the guy says he only has blues, but it sure looks splash to me! What do you think? To early to be sure?
Can I ask where in Florida?? And how much did you have to pay? It's very pretty either way! I'm in central Florida and always looking to find more people that have the BLR.
I picked up this baby BLRW yesterday, the guy says he only has blues, but it sure looks splash to me! What do you think? To early to be sure?
Hopefully someone can tell for sure. I have a hard time determining color much before 8 weeks. It's either splash or light blue. When breeding blue to blue, you'll end up with about 50% blue, 25% black and 25% splash.
Thanks! I picked them up to put under a broody to get her off the nest, so I'm sure I picked all roos anyways. He said he didn't keep any splash or black, but I didn't go look at his pens b/c of biosecurity. He is well respected in the area though, so pretty sure he was straight with me. We also picked up a silver phoenix and a silver duckwing bantam, so cute!
Here is a better shot of the BLR

We are in Jacksonville, I picked up the chicks in Orange Park/Westside area. He has some nice birds, but I don't know what lines. Keep seeing other questions to answer! They were three dollars a chick, straight run.
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Thanks! I picked them up to put under a broody to get her off the nest, so I'm sure I picked all roos anyways. He said he didn't keep any splash or black, but I didn't go look at his pens b/c of biosecurity. He is well respected in the area though, so pretty sure he was straight with me. We also picked up a silver phoenix and a silver duckwing bantam, so cute!
Here is a better shot of the BLR

We are in Jacksonville, I picked up the chicks in Orange Park/Westside area. He has some nice birds, but I don't know what lines. Keep seeing other questions to answer! They were three dollars a chick, straight run.
Wow! Congrats!! Very pretty baby! I would go with light blue.

Seems like I'm ending up with more roos than I thought I was going to. Is it just me or are BLRW combs very hard to determine sex by! I could have sworn that this was a hen until what looks to be roo feathers coming! This ones comb is so much like a hen comb, smaller, narrow, pale compared to others that are obvious roo combs.

Seems like I'm ending up with more roos than I thought I was going to. Is it just me or are BLRW combs very hard to determine sex by! I could have sworn that this was a hen until what looks to be roo feathers coming! This ones comb is so much like a hen comb, smaller, narrow, pale compared to others that are obvious roo combs.

Usually I could tell by the wattles. The comb didn't start to look different until maybe 6 months or so but the wattles were longer on mine long before that. Maybe at 1 month or so.
Ok, I have a question! When they say to breed black and splash to result in all blues, are they meaning a black laced or can you breed a black wyandotte to a splash BLR and get a blue BLR? I guess I'm confused on whether or not both the roo and hen have to be laced or if you can breed a solid black to a splash and what the pros and cons are? Thanks for any help! :)
Ok, I have a question! When they say to breed black and splash to result in all blues, are they meaning a black laced or can you breed a black wyandotte to a splash BLR and get a blue BLR? I guess I'm confused on whether or not both the roo and hen have to be laced or if you can breed a solid black to a splash and what the pros and cons are? Thanks for any help! :)
You have to breed a Black Laced BLRW to a Splash BLRW to get Blue or you can breed Blue to Blue and get Black,Splash or Blue but they have to be laced either way but not meaning to breed a Gold Laced Wyandotte as even though they are black laced, their color is gold not mahogany which is what a BLRW should display. It is very confusing, but I've read to breed blue to blue to keep the blue nice as breeding splash to black dilutes the blue which is not good in time. JMHO

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