Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Noticed one of my BLRW feathers is black laced .. Lol the rest are blue...interesting... Someone joked that it's a birthmark. Lol she's a pet so I'm not to concerned but is this considered a fault or will it go away when she molts ... Has anyone seen this before ?



And the rest of the flock :) hatched them all this summer except the buff Orphington.

Noticed one of my BLRW feathers is black laced .. Lol the rest are blue...interesting... Someone joked that it's a birthmark. Lol she's a pet so I'm not to concerned but is this considered a fault or will it go away when she molts ... Has anyone seen this before ?

And the rest of the flock
hatched them all this summer except the buff Orphington.

Blue is a leaky gene so darker feathers are not uncommon.
Today was beautiful and I was excited to be able to spend a bit of time with the birds. I rotate pens for free ranging and my mixed layer flock was out and about today. I have a few BLRW pullets that I'm assessing for breeding in with them temporarily. I hatched the Wyandotte on the left from eggs I bought locally and I hatched the pullet on the right from stock I bought directly from Jerry Foley. I know it's a poor quality pic, but I thought it was a good illustration to show the difference between layer and breeding quality.

I love the antics of dust bathing!

I'm working on getting better pictures to show type. From what I have learned I think this one's tail angle needs to be a little higher, right? She is 5 months old so I know she might still change quite a bit but can anyone tell if she is on the right track? She is rounder than my golden girls who are a month older than her.
Sorry, I'm bad with touch screens. Here are the rest of the picsi meant to attach as well.

I'm honestly not sure, I hope someone more experienced can help you :)

do you read the Wyandotte thread? someone just re-posted photos of some beautiful salmon laced wyandottes from 2012, I have never seen this color before but they have good type:
he is in Scotland and the eggs were from England :)

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