Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Thanks for the post. So it looks like having quality Blue, splash and blacks in stock is necessary to breed back and forth so the genetics are not diluted when breeding. Is there a general preferred color for BLRW's or all 3 is acceptable for breeding standards?I had an opportunity to obtain 2 decent looking splash pullets today but hesitated because I thought the Blue laced variety was the ultimate preference.
This image is just a map of what combinations make what. so it's saying if you breed blue x blue, you get 25% splash chicks, 25% black chicks, and 50% blue chicks.

yes it is best to breed blue x blue to keep the color uniform over generations. after a few years, if the blue gets too light, you can bring a black back in to darken. then you will see inconsistent blue shades, eg. dark blue on the chest and regular blue throughout the body. you can also start out breeding splash x black to get a new generation of 100% blues. you would hatch as many as possible, choose the best few chicks, and use them going forward.

color is not the first priority when breeding... #1 first priority is body type, then size. you can find the Wyandotte body type SOP (standard of perfection) online or in the APA standard book:

Blue laced reds are NOT in the standard yet, but the body type for Wyanodtte standard is the same.

Hello all you expert BLRW people out there, ive got some new chicks and want your thoughts on a couple things...the 1st one is the only 4 week old i got and I would like to know your thoughts on Gender and Color (Blue or Splash). The guy I bought them from said the parents of all these chicks are blue rooster and blue or splash hens depending on which hen the eggs came from. So from that my understanding is that none of them should be blacks.
This 1st one, gender and Blue or Splash?

Hello all you expert BLRW people out there, ive got some new chicks and want your thoughts on a couple things...the 1st one is the only 4 week old i got and I would like to know your thoughts on Gender and Color (Blue or Splash). The guy I bought them from said the parents of all these chicks are blue rooster and blue or splash hens depending on which hen the eggs came from. So from that my understanding is that none of them should be blacks. thanks This 1st one, gender and Blue or Splash?
Both are Blrw but it might be a smidge early to sex them. In the next week or so you should see little red wattles drop.
Hello all you expert BLRW people out there, ive got some new chicks and want your thoughts on a couple things...the next few are all a week old tomorrow (tues) and I am wondering about Blue or Splash. A couple are obvious but I wont give away my thoughts, they are to young to sex yet but lets see what you all think? Also, pretty sure one of them isnt a BLRW but lets see if you can find the one that doesnt belong.
The guy I bought them from said the parents of all these chicks are blue rooster and blue or splash hens depending on which hen the eggs came from. So from that my understanding is that none of them should be blacks. I saw them and the Roo is an outstanding Blue Roo.

anyway, here we go, thanks for your input!

Chick 1



Chick 4

Chick 5

Hello all you expert BLRW people out there, ive got some new chicks and want your thoughts on a couple things...the next few are all a week old tomorrow (tues) and I am wondering about Blue or Splash. A couple are obvious but I wont give away my thoughts, they are to young to sex yet but lets see what you all think? Also, pretty sure one of them isnt a BLRW but lets see if you can find the one that doesnt belong.
The guy I bought them from said the parents of all these chicks are blue rooster and blue or splash hens depending on which hen the eggs came from. So from that my understanding is that none of them should be blacks. I saw them and the Roo is an outstanding Blue Roo.

anyway, here we go, thanks for your input!

Chick 1



Chick 4

Chick 5

looks like 2 & 3 are slash and the others might be black. Our black are almost blue and are very pretty. at 6-8 weeks old, the black ones started getting dark silvery blue color in the dark areas. We have 6 and they all are a little different.
Continuing previous post on chicks:

Hello all you expert BLRW people out there, ive got some new chicks and want your thoughts on a couple things...the next few are all a week old tomorrow (tues) and I am wondering about Blue or Splash. A couple are obvious but I wont give away my thoughts, they are to young to sex yet but lets see what you all think? Also, pretty sure one of them isnt a BLRW but lets see if you can find the one that doesnt belong.
The guy I bought them from said the parents of all these chicks are blue rooster and blue or splash hens depending on which hen the eggs came from. So from that my understanding is that none of them should be blacks. I saw them and the Roo is an outstanding Blue Roo.

anyway, here we go, thanks for your input!

Chick 6

Chick 7

Chick 8

Chick 9

I only posted 1 picture of each, taking to long and to much space.
thanks again

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