Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I have to know is it just me or do blue laced red wyndotte chicks not really look that blue laced red..more brown...

is wing pattern supposed to be not laced yet?

Your chicks look like they are splash not blrw
I have a beautiful BLRW roo and some really nice RIR hens. What will the offspring from that combination look like? Has anyone bred those two?
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I have a beautiful BLRW roo and some really nice RIR hens. What will the offspring from that combination look like? Has anyone bred those two?

A certain breeder has used RC RIR to help develop their particular line of BLRW. I wouldn't recommend it unless you really know what you're doing. If you say he's already nice why cross him with a RIR?
Lol now I'm I'm the right thread ..maybe some of these picture will help me figure out if I have any blue laced red



or black laced lol I can't tell which two are the pure ones I ordered and which ones that our the mixed my son hatched a bunch out at school for me and some where special ordered but teacher doesn't know who hatched out of what lol
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Lol now I'm I'm the right thread ..maybe some of these picture will help me figure out if I have any blue laced red



or black laced lol I can't tell which two are the pure ones I ordered and which ones that our the mixed my son hatched a bunch out at school for me and some where special ordered but teacher doesn't know who hatched out of what lol

Maybe splash but i don't see any that look blue. Could be wrong though

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