Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Pretty! I love the blue on the 3rd place bird.

thanks i love that color too. I especially love the ones with the rich red and dark blue....a lot like that one!
Got some BLW for sale
Would anybody have any BLRW eggs for sale that could ship before this Wednesday? I would prefer the dark red as opposed to the more buff red.
I have an ebay auction going for some right now. It ends in a few days. Mine are the Jerry Foley bloodlines for the most part. I do have a bit of other blood in there for diversity. The red is gorgeous on them. I got rid of all the bloodlines with the straw coloring. I like the deep red.
I just put mine in seperate pens last week and should be pure in about 2-3 weeks. When do you want them?

Ooo, anytime they are ready! How far are you from Portland, Me? My son really wants to hatch out some in our homeade bator.. thanks!

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