Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

DeannaOR: Yours is similar to my Black BLRW...Pullet. I have been trying to keep up with pictures to document for sexing purposes...
Here is what I have at 3 weeks and then at 10 weeks. B=Blue Bk=Black S=Splash - 1 hatched 3 splash, 2 Blue, and 2 Black and I named them with a number.
With mine, if there was a "poofy" comb at 3 weeks it has later reddened and revealed a roo.

I purchased BLRW back in May from a respectable breeder... So they are about 12 weeks old... One of the chicks carrys herself differently, almost seems ill yet has been this way I believe from early on. She carrys her wings low as if she has no muscle to pick them up, always seem squaty in posture (doesnt pick herself up), is smaller and less feathered than the rest and seems thin to me.. She is extremely doscel, doesnt try to even move when being approuched.. She moves slow and isnt energetic... She eats, drinks, moves around (slowly) and seems ok otherwise. The others are not mean to her at all. Sooo question is what is wrong with her, is there anything i should b doing to improve this... Etc etc.
I never did post pics of the pair of BLRW I got from Foley. They are about 6 months olds

Splash Pullet

Their feathers are as dark as my sunglasses LOL

This is the Blue Roo.... I know he looks black, but he is blue. NO feather shafting on this guy anywhere!

I was going to get a Black and Splash but the Black roo had a broken beak so I got a MUCH Better blue roo... he said it was my lucky day
I would love to have more, but with feed going up I think money is going to be too tight through the winter. Maybe in the spring I can work something out with him.
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Sounds like she might have Coccidiosis. I would research the disease. It is treated with Corid. You will need to find out what the dosage is for poultry. Sorry I do not know what it is since I have not had to treat for it.

Hope this helps!

Does she look like this? This is a picture of a pullet that has Coccidiosis.

I purchased BLRW back in May from a respectable breeder... So they are about 12 weeks old... One of the chicks carrys herself differently, almost seems ill yet has been this way I believe from early on. She carrys her wings low as if she has no muscle to pick them up, always seem squaty in posture (doesnt pick herself up), is smaller and less feathered than the rest and seems thin to me.. She is extremely doscel, doesnt try to even move when being approuched.. She moves slow and isnt energetic... She eats, drinks, moves around (slowly) and seems ok otherwise. The others are not mean to her at all. Sooo question is what is wrong with her, is there anything i should b doing to improve this... Etc etc.
I would treat them all to be on the safe side
I would also add some GQF vitamins plus powder (the feed store should have it) to their water to help give them a boost. I also give my chickens Quaker Old Fashioned oats as a treat in the morning because they are high in the B vitamins which makes for healthy chickens and they LOVE them!

I have heard that they show improvement immediately when treated with the Corid

Omg yes it does! I feel awful, i should have asked much sooner! Would the others b effected cause they all act fine?
Im getting treatment this morning! In my reading I saw they die rather quickly after showing signs and not always but often have bloody stool. Shes been this way awhile, no bloody stool..... Not sure but im gonna treat them anyway. I had gotten some Brahma chicks in May just before i got the BLRW and they did have some bloody stool but my lack of experience i just kept n eye on it and it quickly went away.... NYS also stopped our feed supplier from medicating the chick starter in June/July so im sure that didnt help....
They don't always show blood in the stool when they have Cocci and there are different forms of it. Her body is probably trying to build resistance to it but because she may be vitamin deficient (medicated feed blocks their bodies from absorbing vitamin B1- thiamine and that is why I don't use it) so I would also start giving her a several drops of the liquid baby vitamins called Polyvisol "without iron" daily to help her get back on her feet.

Im getting treatment this morning! In my reading I saw they die rather quickly after showing signs and not always but often have bloody stool. Shes been this way awhile, no bloody stool..... Not sure but im gonna treat them anyway. I had gotten some Brahma chicks in May just before i got the BLRW and they did have some bloody stool but my lack of experience i just kept n eye on it and it quickly went away.... NYS also stopped our feed supplier from medicating the chick starter in June/July so im sure that didnt help....

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