Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

All of the birds I posted are blue. Two are just very light blue. Here is a very young splash pullet.

oh ok. sorry about that. all my blues are darker. i'm still fairly new to the blrw, and learning what's preferred.
but in the bantam cochins, the darker 'navy' blue is what's more desirable. (haven't got pics of my new pair of blue cochins yet either).
oh ok. sorry about that. all my blues are darker. i'm still fairly new to the blrw, and learning what's preferred.
but in the bantam cochins, the darker 'navy' blue is what's more desirable. (haven't got pics of my new pair of blue cochins yet either).
I don't know about the large fowl but in the bantams a nice medium blue seems to do best. Too dark of a blue and there is not enough contrast with the red so that the lacing does not stand out well. A medium or lighter blue tends to really show the lacing better.
I have my 2 new pullets from Jerry Foley - they are beautiful girls!
One of these days I'll take some time to get some really good pics with my camera instead of my phone lol.

This is the pullet that was shown at the APA Nationals and was awarded RV.

Close up of her hackle feathers - what beautiful lacing!

This is the younger pullet. She would not pose for the camera, but she is very nice. I think she'll be quite beautiful.

I have my 2 new pullets from Jerry Foley - they are beautiful girls!
One of these days I'll take some time to get some really good pics with my camera instead of my phone lol.

This is the pullet that was shown at the APA Nationals and was awarded RV.

Close up of her hackle feathers - what beautiful lacing!

This is the younger pullet. She would not pose for the camera, but she is very nice. I think she'll be quite beautiful.

Very pretty!
Very pretty!
x2 nice dark red on that pullet! I have a splash hen from the Foleys as well She is HUGE!! and gorgeous! But she was broody all summer and I couldn't break her. She is the most stubborn broody I have ever had. So I got very few eggs from her to set. I do like her though :)
I'll be setting up my bantam pair soon, but haven't seen any signs that my girl is laying yet, so for now they continue free ranging (and he continues harrassing my cochins LOL).


Smee's Girl (yeah i stink at naming LOL)

smee's color has improved those pics were taken, and smee's girl isn't as dark as i'd like, but she is darker than the golds i've seen.
since they started free ranging I think if anything their color and type have improved dramatically...

i'll try to get some newer pics of the pair soon.
Hi there, question from a newbie. Is your cockeral dbl laced ? It looks like he has blue lacing, then a thing black lace.
I recieved my Foley birds yesterday morning and I think the trip really stressed them out... They have some respitory symptoms this afternoon.. Im freaking out!! Is this common with the stress of shipping? They are no where near any of my other flock so we should be ok with that... Anyone else had trouble with shipping stress.. Ive started them on antibiotics etc should I do anything more...

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