blue/ lavender mottled cochin project! eggs rocking PICS

If you have solid blues or blacks in your breeding pen, and you're going for lavender mottled, you should take them out. You won't be able to tell apart the chicks that are split for mottling and lavender, and those that aren't. For example, a black mottled bred to a lavender will make solid black chicks that will be usefull to your project. A solid blue bird bred to a mottled or lavender will make a solid colored chick that will be split for either lav or mottled, but not both. And if you have solid birds of both genders in the pen, you may get solid colored chicks that, while very pretty, will not carry either lavender or mottled. You won't know which is which. The only genotypes you can know for sure are the lavender or the mottled chicks, and you know that none of them carry the gene for the other color/pattern. That aside, I'd like to see more pics of the fuzzies, please!
two more chicks hatced today, and the last egg was dead, all of these eggs look to be pure mottled

i have lavenders and mottles of both sexes in the pen, and all the chicks that hatched are black with yellow. i currently do not own blues
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If you are able to produce some Lavender mottled chicks PLEASE let me know, I would be very very interested. If anyone else out there already has some, please PM me.

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