Blue Orp X Buff Orp Chicks (PIC HEAVY) UPDATE


The Egg Wrangler
12 Years
Dec 13, 2007
Philadelphia, MS
You can see NEW PICS Of these birds now under the for sale section REDUCTION SALE, they have really grown since these pics where taken. I am offering some for sale at this time.

Ok have had several ask how the chicks are turning out that are out of the Blue Orp rooster and the Buff Orp hens. Here are a few pics that I took today. they are coloring up really pretty I think. They where 4 weeks old on the 9th of March







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OOOOOO Pretty! Looks like blue wheatons but not clear on markings tho!

I like that last pic....looks like he got dark tips on each feather.
I know they are considered "mutt orpingtons" but there's nothing wrong with those chicks.I'm sure they will be beautiful big orpington chickens just of another color.
Mine that I hatched alway had more rust thru the neck and chest......I always liked how they turned out....makes for a pretty bird.....
COOL! Thank you so much for posting these. Now I know what mine will look like. The turkens are coloring up pretty much the same as the orps by the way. The buff coloring on their heads is a little darker though. Their bodies are dark with some dark buff on them just like one of the blue X orps. The littlest turken (had some problems) that looked like it would be the pure blue did not make it.
I think it was going to be very close to solid blue. It might have been black though... hard to tell. Mine are just starting to get wing feathers. They eat like HOGS though lol. They are outgrowing the turkens by about twice as much.
Thanks everyone, I thought they where some nice looking chicks even if they are just orpington mutts.

Ewesheep, I have a lot of those in that batch that have the dark blue tip at the end of their feathers like that I really think that sets them off.
Julie, I like your orp x also I have a few that are the darker blue like that but most of mine turned out to be the lighter blue color.

menkot, glad yours have hatched was wondering today how yours did.


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