Blue Orpington

TAZ part of what you are saying for me will be true As far as line breeding is concerned, but I have only kept a few pullets and one Roo from my original Sandhill flock. I will breed the pullets to a non related Roo. The ones I got from florida came out of different groups of breeding pens. I am breeding two big black pullets to the Mottled Roo and take out some of the white and introduce the mottled gene. Save the best and possibly breed back to Father depending on coloring and other type traits I am trying to achieve. I have a splash Roo I am breeding to blues and blacks unrelated to him. This will give me some new lines to work with. I am going to get another black roo from fl breeder. I can't wait till next year to see what I have then. I can mark eggs from different groups for selling.
Makes me wonder what happened to the popularity of Impressive horses went from wonderful, excellent and spiralled down really fast as the "dreaded Impressive" lines and people would think twice about buying any of his descendents. I dont know how HYPP came about but maybe somewhere in Impressive's line may have carried this trait.

Well, I can tell you a little bit. 1/4 horse assn is now or is soon to impliment that any foal with impressive in it's genetics has to be tested for HYPP before it can be registered.

Everyone loved his positive genetics and did not think that at the same time of increasing the likelyhood of getting those good genes they were double, triple, etc their chances of getting that recessive gene he had for the HYPP. So when the breeders were breeding daughters to fathers over and over...well now HYPP is widespread. SAD...

He is still sought after in the breeding world, they are just much more selective and do testing.

I am going to get another black roo from fl breeder.

Julie, that is the best way to introduce new genetics is with the roo.

Plus so often those are the ones that are looking for homes!!!

Ok so I want a doz eggs from each of you!!! Someday.

Right now my little coop is just cozy with the hodge podge 7 I have. But you can bet that I WILL be coming to you 3 first!!!!

Thanks for all your help!


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