Blue scale quail


12 Years
Aug 2, 2007
so i have been offered a pair of blue scale quail by a man who is selling most of his stock due to his health they are about a year old and i was wondering if they are anything like courtnix quail or completly different

can i keep them in a big rabbit cage till i clear some space for them or are they too flighty
Blue Scale Quail are very flighty and nervous birds and are very suspicious of humans. You may over time tame them down a bit, but being as flighty and easily flushed as they are, it is recommended that you don't keep them in cages. They need an aviary setting.
I have to say that the call that the Gambel Quail is the most interesting sounds of all the quail that I have heard. I LOVE to hear them call. They run wild down in our desert and I will always get out of the car when traveling thru Gambel territory just to hear their calls.

However they too are very nervous and flighty and tend to be worse than Blue Scale during breeding season as far as aggessiveness. If you not interested in Courntnix Quail, then if he has Bobwhites, then they are a much tamer bird. They can be aggressive during breeding season, but if you are only getting 2 birds, then you should be fine with that. Bobwhites can become quite friendly with people if you spend the time with them and will readily eat out of your hand and come looking for treats if you train them in a friendly manner. They are not really flighty and will usually get used to people very quickly.
breeder near me raises gambels and calis in 3' X 3' X 2' he keeps trios in them and he has a coupla branches in the pens as well as dust baths too they seem to do all right
so i have both gambels and blue scales, gambels are gittery but blue scales are worse, gambels are a fun bird and have a lot less agression issues, but blue scales are very pretty, they will be fine one second and tearing each other up the next, i had some shipped that fought in the shipper box, i had them in iso for a few weeks and now they are back together like nothing happened,when you get to this point in quail you should have had enough issues that you can handle either bird anyways, so go with the one you want most.

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