Bluing - anyone have before and after photos?


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
I'm curious as to the difference this product makes when using it on the white birds. If you have photos, that would be wonderful!

If anyone has any bluing disaster photos i.e. bird ended up too blue that would be neat as well.

I had some sebrights that I was showing a few years ago..Bought a shampoo with blueing , but a mild blueing..The sebright had gotten out a few times due to great ablitiy to fly and gotten into the corn for ths australorps, it turned thier feathers a yellowish color..I thought OH pooo..I thought the blueing shampoo would really help..and drum roll did nothing whatsoever...I thought it might help. maybe if I used a stronger blueing..I soaked those poor birds , but the kind I bought didnt work..I was just more careful in spring to keep them in thier pens so they couldnt get at the corn.. dont know why corn turns feathers yellow but lot of show breeders tell me it would do that and they feed oats instead of corn.

double duty broodies little yellow corn eater. This one still has a little yellowing in her feathers here but had switched feeedds to shaffers because it didnt have marigold in it, I dont think chickens would eat marygold if given a choice and it has oats and alfalfa so white birds over time really whitened ..and the dirt washed out better with a light blueing shampoo.

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Ok, off topic. I had my samoyeds blued at the groomers years ago and worked out great. Post skunk attack and tomato juice they were sorta pink.

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