Bobcat/Coyote/Fox Urine as Rat deterent - Has anyone had any luck?

Rats reproduce faster than... well faster than rats.

Noah saved one pair of rats to what purpose I have yet to understand. Ever since that day humans have struggled to stay even with Herr Rat. Some times i think that the rats are gaining on us.

Perhaps training your dog to increase the accuracy of his "biological byproduct applications" would produce better results. Get him to aim squarely between the rats' beady little eyes. I know that this won't work but for those of us who have dealt with rats before, you gotta love the imagery.
Jack Russells hate the daylights out of rodents. Just sayin'.

As a side benefit Jack Russels Terrors also hate foxes. An old friend owned the first Jack Russels that i ever saw. His stock came from England and were bred to dig foxes out of their dens. It was necessary to outfit his dogs with an electronic collar so that if the dog went to Earth after the fox and the dog couldn't dig or find its own way out, the fox hunter could break out his shovel and rescue his dog. I have a special place in my heart for any dog as game as a Jack Russel who will bury himself in a foxes den and drag a reluctant fox out into into the open by the foxes' business end.

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