Bobwhite chicks,,, help


5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
I have been hatching and raising bobwhites for a few years now. I have been running into a problem with my baby chicks. About half of them after hatching have been getting swollen eyes and a few days later fall over dead. I change water daily with dermicin10 and feed them 28% protein crashed pellets. Any ideas what's going on?
You would probably get more help if you post in the quail section of the site. I have coturnix quail.
Are you handling them before this happens or do they hatch out this way? Also, do you own any chickens?

It kind of sounds like what happens when quail get contaminated by some kind of chicken disease. There is a thread in the quail section about that. If contamination isn't possible, then I really have no idea. Sorry, try posting in the quail section so that people with more experience can help you.

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