Bobwhite quail


In the Brooder
Feb 15, 2021
First time Hatcher. I’ve got 50 Bobwhite quail in a forced air incubator. The start of day 23 I had 2 that pipped and now I’m at the end of day 24 and they haven’t done anything else. 1 more has pipped but that’s it.
I kept my temp at 99.5 and humidity at 60 until lockdown them bumped it to 70
Should I wait or try to help the ones that pipped? They all had movement when I candled them on day 20 when goin into lockdown.
I actually find Bobwhites easier to raise than Blues, Gamble's or Mountain quail.
No, they are not harder to raise than anyother quail....if you have the knowledge of their requirements in regards to habitat, nutrition and spacial needs.
I raise mine in large enclosures and run around 25 to 30 birds per enclosure.
I have also raised them in a smaller cage type enclosures and had a worse experince raising them that way....they injure themselves more in small cage enclosures, than if they are in large aviaries.

Saying a 'blanket statement' like Davethebirdman said, just shows their ignorance....more than that they are just being a troll.
50 is a reasonable number of eggs. A lot of people sell them in giant lots like that because they're so Tiny and then there's still a cha ce for a decent hatch rate if something happens in shipping. If be hard pressed to find a place that sells 4 eggs that doesn't involve you trashing the rest.

Op, how did your hatch turn out over all?
I had a 50% hatch, not the best but haven’t lost any since hatch. But I’ve got a big brooder till it warms up and I’ve got a 30’x50’ flight pen ready to go. Just so the idiot trashing this post knows how it’s done.
First time Hatcher. I’ve got 50 Bobwhite quail in a forced air incubator. The start of day 23 I had 2 that pipped and now I’m at the end of day 24 and they haven’t done anything else. 1 more has pipped but that’s it.
I kept my temp at 99.5 and humidity at 60 until lockdown them bumped it to 70
Should I wait or try to help the ones that pipped? They all had movement when I candled them on day 20 when goin into lockdown.
No, bobwhite quail are ridiculously slow hatchers. Mine average at least 48 hours from pip to hatch.
The longest I had one take was 4 days from pip to hatch, and they all made it just fine. Don't assist, your humidity is plenty high so they should be fine. :)
Bobwhite quail aren’t domesticated birds but other quail species are yes. They are hard to raise. I have a family of professional bird raisers and them not surviving isnt my fault per se. They are stressed in larger groups and small pens. They easily escape. They fly wildly inside coops and get injured. They don’t survive long usually no. Other quail species mentioned here are more docile and pet like.
bobwhites can also be docile, but that's exactly my point, what do you mean by it isn't your fault? you said that you were the one that has raised hundreds of quail. you said they die being stressed in large groups with small enclosures, and are easy to escape and get injured in coops. that feels like all of that could have been prevented, you don't sound so professional if your birds are dying for silly reasons, give more room for each quail get higher quality enclosures so it isn't as easy to escape from and most people say to not house them in coops because snapping their necks can be a serious problem, I have never had any of my adult bobwhites die from any of those reasons, chicks are a little bit trickier but the same goes for them, and if was your family raising the birds than don't discourage people that can be better then your family
what type of question is that? if I was a lion trainer I would start with smaller cats like servals and bobcats, and I would train them from infancy, and comparing lions to quail is ridiculous, who even has 50 lions what type of lunatic is that? besides, if you call them cruel then you're being a hypocrite letting your quail die from preventable causes, and these are adults might I add, not newborns
It's getting obvious that you're probably lying about some things if not most, if you think it's cruel to keep bobwhites, and you've raising hundreds and most have died from preventable causes, then why did you keep raising quail if you think it's cruel, why did you keep going after so many started dying? then you say your family are "professional" bird raisers whatever that means since not all birds are poultry, which to be honest they can be professional parrot tamers, which if they are they should know better about cage quality. and if you got nothing out of it then you probably didn't even put any effort into raising them, everything you've said has just made you look worse, let people live their lives, and don't discourage them because of your own failures
they aren't even that difficult, they are just harder in comparison to Coturnix which are ridiculously easy, you just have to be more careful

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