Boiled eggs


May 22, 2024
After boiling white eggs I ran under cold water and put them in fridge. The shells turned light brown in fridge. Why did this happen? Are they safe to eat?
Do they stink?
Can you take a picture of the egg and upload it so we can see just how brown?
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

We have hard water and though we never rinse our eggs, it makes me wonder if that might do it? Like does your water have a high level of iron in it?
I’m not sure. But water turns my tub blue all the time.
That's from copper in the water. The answer would be a water filter.

We have an inexpensive under-the-sink version for our drinking water, and one in the basement on the water line.

If you have a Lowe's, Home Depot, or larger hardware store in your area, they would have both types and explain what would work best for you.
They should be fine to consume. In the future, if you're concerned, maybe keep a gallon of filtered or bottled water around for boiling. But yeah, should be fine.

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