Boise, Idaho Area. Eggs NEEDED for speech for communications class to be given on July 2nd!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 29, 2012
Boise, Idaho
Time sensitive! Must have by July 1st! Boise, Idaho area!

Thank you all in advance,

I don’t know if this is the best place for this. I’ll move/repost elsewhere if needed.

I am taking a college communications class and we are required to give an informational speech. I have chosen to give mine on the diversity of chicken eggs, or on eggs in general. I have not narrowed it down just yet.

I wanted to use “real” eggs as visual aids while giving my speech, instead of making a boring power point or using printed posters. And I’ll make things work if I can’t find the other sizes/ colors I am looking for but figured you all are so nice and helpful I’d give this a shot.

I have many common breeds available to me to use but would like a few more that I don’t have.

Breeds I have available (I know some have very similar colors and sizes):

- Black Star Sex-Link & Golden Sex-Link
- Brown Leghorn
- Easter Egger (very light dusty blue almost white & dusty blue/green not at all white)
- White Rhode Island Red
- Barred Rock
- Appenzeller
- Buff Cochin

Seems like there was something else but can’t think of it right now.

Here is a picture of a few of the ones I can get.

With the smallest white egg (next to quarter) I am not sure who laid that one so any help in the identification of it would be greatly accepted.

These are shells I have saved. It is a mix of quail, duck and chicken eggs.

The dusty blue/green not at all white Easter Egger shell is in the middle.

The very light dusty blue almost white Easter Egger shell is above it and up one white egg shell.

The darker brown shell is the darkest I have available.

Close up of the darker Easter Egger egg shell

Things I’d like to get for the speech presentation:
- Black Copper Marans (or something very dark like they are)
- Welsumers
- Sebright
- More vibrant Easter Eggers (green, bright blue, yellow, pink; just as bright as I can find and several different colors would be cool.)
- Silkie
- Jersey Giant

Thank you all again,


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