No one much is going to like this but I owe it to the chickens, so here goes.

A sure antidote for chicken boredom is a deep layer of dry wheat straw, or shredded corn shucks in which all or at least half of your hens daily feed is tossed. This will encourage your birds to scratch and turnover their bedding or litter. Chickens that have something to do (look for their food) and a reward for doing something (finding their food) never get bored.

There is almost nothing more useless as food than a swinging head of cabbage. Cabbages FYI were a food staple in Nazi concentration camps. The reason was that food like boiled cabbages (with or without the broth and minus any fat) weakened the concentration camp inmates and made it easier to liquidate those poor souls when their usefulness to their captors was over.

To put a "treat" like cabbage into its proper perspective, chickens get more relief from boredom or more relief from insufficient amounts of protein by chasing their fellow inmates around and around in the forlorn hope of getting a little taste of feathers.
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