Bored Chickens


9 Years
Apr 16, 2010
For the last year, my chickens have had the run of the entire backyard. Well the poop on the deck really got to me they were tearing up my flower beds. So we made a nice size run for them that is fenced in. They have been in this run for the last 2 days. One chicken masterfully gets out but we aren't sure how yet. Anyways, I am worried that they are bored being stuck in a much smaller space then what they are used to. Should I be worried? I have been throwing some grain on the ground for them but they eat it up in seconds. I also threw some extra mulch/compost in there for them to dig in. I am worried I am going to make some of them go broody or just plain crazy.

Also, do I need to set up some sort of dust bath or will they be just fine. I never had a designated bath area before but they were able to get into some softer ground. We do plan on letting them out in the yard when we are out there but they definitely need to have their own area.
I have thrown some of the old straw bales around our run.It keeps the hens busy. You could make a sand box for them. I did but they always dug their own dirt hole to roll around in.

I just have a plastic fence for the run,and sometimes the hens go under the fence. Never had them flying over it.
I too have just done the same thing. We built a nice big run. Fenced it in up, down, and all around.
Totally predator proof. They have sand baths, lots of hay to scratch around in, the works really.
They have access to it now 24/7. I used to let them out to free range for an
hour or so after work , maybe more on the weekends. However I also got tired of the poo on the deck
and I will be planting my gardens soon also. They have been pecking one of my birds badly in the face now.
I give them treats and scraps everyday along with their regular food. I swear they have just become
SPOILED and I believe once you give them an inch they just want 2 miles. They made it through the whole
winter being in a much smaller space with no problems. They just like being out and are having a hard time
with it. But I am being strong!!!! I will not give in!!! No matter what kind of looks I am getting behind the fence!

Just stay strong!!!
Our flock loves dry leaves. In the fall I bag and store some and dump a bag into the run every time the flock looks bored.

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