Boss - An Honourable Death

Me too Suzie
The last day of the hunting season is here - not much activity BUT.... yesterday one of our hunting friends killed a large dog fox - not far from where Boss was killed... I can't say for sure that it was the predator but I feel better in knowing that there is one less predator around here!

My geese are still very distressed, they are confused, there is no outright leader - it is unfortunate that the ganders are a liitle more "forward/aggressive" at this time of year due to breeding issues they still will not venture up river - so sad to see them like this but at least they are not going out of my sight - I need the comfort that they are ok - they have been through such trauma....

I have been calling out Boss's boys home now.... they come straight away, they were so used to my calling out "Boss bring them home now" and for them I suppose the call is much the same - except for me that is - it is difficult... when I put the lights out at night for them I still call out "Goodnight Boss - see you in the morning" - habits die hard.... in time maybe the hurt will ease - but for now.... sad days.
Sorry for upsetting you SunnyCalifornia... I can only write as I feel - I have had a BAD day today - I can't help but keep looking for Boss although I know he won't come back home to me and more importantly his babies he raised.... Oh no. you are going to start again aren't you...???
Oh Honey, I'm so so sorry to read this :-( My heart just aches for you

I know that nothing/nobody can replace Boss in your heart but I do pray that your other babies can help comfort you. Wish I could come hug you in person


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