Boston poultry expo show in N Oxford Ma Nov 7

OK Guys, I know this is off topic but need to vent!!!! Sarah's Pigeon loft got hit last night
Whatever it was got into the flight pen she had set up for this years babies. Only thing we can think of is a weasel, only thing that would be small enough to get in there and they weren't torn apart
We leave a night light on in there and a radio too, plus they have a very large RIR male that roams free in there with his girls. Something else also got her Royal Palm Tom, that looked like coons the way he was killed, looks like they tried to get him out of the pen, hubby is going to put a spot light out there tonight, so the girls stay safe. The dog has been going crazy up there all day she knows something isn't right. Just really stinks.
OMG, I am so sorry for her losses! I also have been loosing birds. 2 of my 3 free range mixed breeds, and 2 pullets that have gotten thru the chain link of the run. This has all been in broad day light and there are no bodies or feather scattering. I just saw 2-3 small white feathers from the last bird taken a couple days ago. It is very upsetting.
I'm just about finished with my coop and run.
Someone suggested I go to this poultry show to see some variety and pick up a few good egg layers.

I am totally new at this.
How does one go about bringing them home? I have a truck.

I am hoping to come home with 4 or 5 of them.
You can put them in a cat or dog crates, or even big boxes tape the top but make sure you poke good wholes in it.

Ok great thanks.
Poultry Run Farm wrote:
BBK wrote:
No i dont belive coop in is a week before the date.

Lilpeeps i cant bring up the sign up sheet to look at it, is coop in the night before right?

Yes, the show hall will be open 5-9 pm Saturday for early coop in.


I don't want to be a pain, but on page 3, of the rules and reg, it says that ALL birds must be cooped in Nov 1....

I've tried to c&p, but it won't let me...

Hope this helps. I just checked the catalog we were mailed for the show and it says all birds must be cooped in by 9:00 AM sharp Sunday Nov. 7th, (the 7th was inked in over the 1) It also said the show hall will be open on Saturday at 5PM until 9PM to receive birds. Looks like they just used last years and changed it to a 7, last year it was the 1st.

Hope you come and show

I emailed Stephen this morning and asked - he said "The show is Sunday Nov 7th. Birds can be cooped in at 4 PM on Sat Nov 6th until 10 PM . We will then receive birds on Sunday morning starting at 6:30 am or so."

Thanks for clarifing this and you too Shay.
Now to check out BIG Blue...
I think we're coming then....woohoo...
Thanks for clarifing this and you too Shay.
Now to check out BIG Blue...
I think we're coming then....woohoo...

Will be great to meet you!! Sarah is very easy to pick out she talks a lot (she is also pictured in my avatar) and we will have the Van, big maroon monster, and should have lots of white runner ducks, if this predator leaves them alone.
ohh noo, so sorry, that is horible,

She was more upset about the Turkey. Course it had to be Diablo, the Tom Turkey she got from Gypsy, she had him so she could go into his pen and pick him up. But she is raising two young ones that hatched late so maybe a little Diablo...

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