Bought as pullets- wanted to make sure.


In the Brooder
Jul 8, 2015
Naples, FL
So far so good. They were calm after I cuddled them and pet them. They are in a separate pen from my copper Maran roo and black australorp hen. Those two weren't so pleased about the new additions (but they also weren't so thrilled when I added a buff orpington. But A&B were eating, pecking and scratching happily as the other two watched.
I have a couple RIR's and they are great egg layers. They sweet too, though a little bossy towards the other chickens.
Thanks for the info!

So far so good. They were calm after I cuddled them and pet them. They are in a separate pen from my copper Maran roo and black australorp hen. Those two weren't so pleased about the new additions (but they also weren't so thrilled when I added a buff orpington. But A&B were eating, pecking and scratching happily as the other two watched.
I guess chickens aren't to happy about new additions to the flock (my Barred Rocks didn't care though).

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