bourbon reds laying eggs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 11, 2009
rustburg va
i have 3 br hens and see 5 eggs in a nest today. however, she is not sitting on them. will she continue laying until she has a clutch and then start sitting on them?? or will these 5 go bad from not being kept warm? also, if she starts sitting on them how many days before they should hatch out? i assume if all goes well i should just put some starter in for the babies and hope the grown ones dont eat it all. they are in a very large area so i am hoping they will be fine. the exercise yard area is 21x35 and the sheltered area is probably 45wide, 30 deep and 20 high. thanks for any input.
Yes they will lay until they have enough eggs to sit, The eggs don't need to be kept warm but if they freeze they will die, the hen knows how to do it. The eggs will hatch 28 days-ish from when she starts sitting. For the starter they need a higher protien than chicks. And to keep the adults out you can make a "creep feeder" It has a larger cover over it and close to the ground so the poults can get under it to the feed and the adults can't get in. If you let the hens raise them you can expect losses in poults unless the hen is experienced and a good mother. Most people that hen raise seperate the hen, poults from the rest of the flock.

Steve in NC
If you were just curious and wanted to send some test eggs to see how they ship... I volunteer.
I would send you back some marans eggs if you want.
I just ordered 12 Bourbon Red chicks from Cackle. They are suppose to be here in a couple weeks. Do you like yours? This is a first for me on the turkeys, any suggestions?
i'm new too with the turkeys.i also have royal palms- beautiful birds. the bourbon reds are very sweet and curious. i want to free range them some but am concerned about our veggie garden. so, i will probably not let the out until the end of summer. i did let them out a couple of times and they were easily herded back in the pen. i have them in a large area so they should be fine. from all i have ready they should be very enjoyable for you. mine are just for pets but they are supposed to be really good breed to eat too.
I don't know if anybody sells them but they are easy to make, all it is a roof with low sides over a feeder. the poults can get under it to eat and get away from the bigger birds.

I just went to Cackle this afternoon and bought six Bourbon Reds. They are so friendly...the birds and the customer service LOL I love these little guys already.
Ahh,, another Missery person.....

Cackle's where I got my chickens and ducks from last year...

Got my Turkeys from McMurrey though, Cackles were sold out when I was ready to order the turkeys..

I live south of St. Louy about 90 miles..

The BRs are really good pets until they are about 20 lbs, then I'd classify them as pests....

My tom is strutting all the time... Likes his head rubbed. Most people thinks he is going to kick them when he comes to them by his strut, but all he wants is head rub or for them to lay down on the ground like a hen....

The only time that I have seen Tom aggressive is when I take my 3 and 5 gallon waterers out to refill... He'll attack those jugs and when I pick them up, he'll jump and kick the crap of them....

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