Bow-legged duckling, what to do?

Sunny Side Up

Count your many blessings...
11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Loxahatchee, Florida
I recently acquired 4 Pekin ducklings from someone who mail-ordered them but then couldn't keep them. I was told they are 2 weeks old. One of them is very bow-legged & I need to know what to do for him. He has a very wide stance, as if he just got off a horse he'd been riding all afternoon. His legs from hip to hock are at a 45 degree angle to his body, then his lower legs from hock to foot are at a 90 degree angle to the ground. So far he doesn't seem to lag behind the others when walking around.

I began giving them all some Poly-vi-sol vitamin drops as soon as I got them home, a few drops in the AM & the PM. They're eating Purina Flock Raiser. No photos are available to post, sorry.

Is this a good course of care? Is there anything else I could give, to the bow-legged duckling & also to the others? Thank you for your imput.
Tape the legs together in normal position until it heals. You can get more info if you google spraddle leg. Good luck!
You might want to give them some niacin. Ducks need more than chickens. This you can get in capsule form which you open and use a LITTLE of the powder in their water or food. Just a sprinkle. Without this they can have problems walking. Flock raiser is supposed to have some in there from what the bag says, I think. I give mine this too but I went ahead and added the niacin anyway because so many people said it was important.
I don't know if this is the problem but thought it could be a possibility and if it was me I would like to know. SO good luck!
What material would you suggest for securing the legs in place? Do you think gauze strips would work? I am keeping them outside in a covered pen during the day & bring them into a straw-lined bin at night. And where do you get capsules of powdered Niacin? I could only find tablets & think it would be a bother to grind them up. I'm giving them Poly-vi-sol baby vitamins (without iron) and that has niacin in it.
what happen with your duck i have one right now that sounds like what your had??? i have try to tape his leg but have no idea how to do it?? i did niacin , poly-vi-sol baby vitamins and i also used vitamin e is there anything more that i could do??
I'm afraid that my duck didn't have a good end. I don't know where these particular ducklings came from, but they seemed to be weak stock. I don't know if some Pekins are just meant for meat and aren't bred for long & healthy lives. Perhaps you can start a new thread and post pictures of your duck and its issues, others on this duck forum may be able to give you better advice,
I also have four week old Pekins. One started showing slight signs of a niacin deficiency one day so I switched them to a feed with more niacin and started supplementing with vitamins/niacin in their water. It has been over a week since I started supplementing them and the one has gotten worse. It cannot stand, does not move, eat or drink, and seems to be weezing. Help please!

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