BR pullet can't stand up

meadow house

In the Brooder
12 Years
Jan 21, 2008
The smallest of my 14 week old pullets can't stand up. I found her yesterday evening after letting everyone out to freerange trying to stand up on her feet with no luck. She has been on a medicated starter. When I pick her up she can kick her legs but not stand on her feet. I saw her take a couple of steps and fall over like the was drunk last night. I isolated her with food and water, and this am she is laying on her side. I fealt her legs/feet and I don't feel any breaks or big swellings. Her feet seem a bit meaty, but normal. From what I read I am thinking it could be Mareks. The pullets have been combined with the layers for 4 weeks. Also, she smells like poo.

Any advise apprecited!
How is your chicken doing? It sounds a lot like what my 6 week old chick is doing. Did the symptoms get worse? Any improvement?
even tho you are feeding medicated starter..the chick could have cocci..
or is not getting enough to eat.

always check the crop for lumps and impaction..

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