Brahma buff bantam, hen or roo?


Jul 7, 2016
Hi guys,

Our brahma Buff bantam is now just over 12 weeks old. Would you say hen or rooster? I'm thinking roo...

Great to have another poultry lover! I would agree thats it is a roo.
Pullet. Cockerels would have dark orange wing bars and some saddle feathers by 3 months.
Hi Gray Farms, thanks for your reply. We thought for the longest time it was a pullet too but the last two morning, he/she has been crowing. He/She is also very very aggressive towards us and towards other chickens. Does that help or you're still convinced pullet?
Cockerel. A female pea combed bird wouldn't have a comb and wattles that large and red this young, in my opinion. And while they're not blaringly dark like some boys, the feathers on this birds wings are certainly darker, if my eyes aren't failing me. Throw crowing into the mix, well...its a bit hard to deny.
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Cockerel. I agree he'll get the darker wings, he's just slower to mature. But that red comb and wattles tell the tale.
Ok thanks guys, I'll post a picture in a couple of weeks to show where he's at. He did not crow at all this morning.

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