Brahma Chicks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 7, 2012
:/ I was given a small rooster and another larger hen that a family didn't want. The family's other small hens were snatched by animals. I have 3 other hens about the same size as the hen, so they get along fine.

But yesterday my son decided to surprise me (by text) that he bought me some chicks that he said won't be snatched. I found out they are Giant Brahmas! He bought 3, but the seller includes extras in case they don't all survive. Now I'm freaking out!

I need suggestions as to how to house these chicks separate from my other hens? I'm caring for a newborn at is time so I don't have a lot of free time! I am in Dallas area where temps are crazy. Today was 92!

I have an old dog kennel with some patches of dirt, and a cement run, with galvanized fence around it. I don't know how to convert this sufficiently.

Can they all grow together? How much room do they need? What if these "unsexed" chicks turn out to be all males?! I guess I have about 10 days to figure this out!

Will these huge birds hurt my small roo or other hens? Or my miniature schnauzer?

Are they mean??:barnie
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I would politely thank your son for the gesture, but ask him to return the chicks to the breeder. You sound way too overwhelmed at the moment to take on new chicklets
I took you up on that idea!

My son will have his friend raise them till they're bigger, and when the kennel is converted to hold a male and female, he will give me back 2, and his friend will keep the rest for helping out.

What a load off my mind!

With Easter coming up, and feed stores full of chicks, I hope people ASK before buying people chicks for theirs or other's children!

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Good for you! Your just sounded so overwhelmed, I'm glad it's going to work out better.

My hatchery Brahmas really have not been much larger than my other dual purpose birds. Maybe heavier, but not really taller. I guess it just depends on the hatchery, what size you wind up with. They're known for being "gentle giants". slow to mature, and very stately. My Brahma Momma is a fierce broody when she's raising chicks, but otherwise she gets along with the rest of the flock just fine.

Not a very good pic, but she's the white hen in the front. Basically the same size as the others.
I think men don't understand that having a newborn is not a 9-5 job. Caregiving is 24/7 that and physical changes can be exhausting. Congratulations on the new arrival.
A lady my son knows will take the chicks and raise them for me. And when they are bigger, and my kennel is ready for 2, I will get either a male and female, or 2 females. The lady eill get the rest. I'm happy.

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