brand new chick owner:)


In the Brooder
May 19, 2017
Hi Everyone! Im so excited to have begun this new journey with chickens! I have 4 babies that are 6 weeks old today. (2 buff orpingtons and 2 black sexlinks) I love them so much already, Im just really scared for when the time comes to officially move them from the safety of the garage to the dangerous outdoors. I read all the stories about people losing thier babies and it makes me lay awake at night! I will post pics of the new coop and the girls soon:)
HI and welcome to BYC!!!!!! Buff Orpingtons are the golden retrievers of the poultry sex links are just as lovable 4 yr old granddaughter carries hers around, and it lays an egg almost every single day...
Good luck, see you around!
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Hi Everyone! Im so excited to have begun this new journey with chickens! I have 4 babies that are 6 weeks old today. (2 buff orpingtons and 2 black sexlinks) I love them so much already, Im just really scared for when the time comes to officially move them from the safety of the garage to the dangerous outdoors.

Welcome to the wonderful world of chickens! I'm new too, started in January with two adult hens, then got chicks in March. If you make a covered run for them outside, they should be fine. We used hoops and bird netting over ours. I was glad to get the stink out of the garage, but the first night I checked on them several times, worried they might be cold. But they are so happy to be outside now, and don't like coming in the house for cuddles now.
If you have them free range outside, you have to expect some randow losses to predators.

If that isn't acceptable - have a large, well built, covered run for them which will
much safer for them.

You can check out the coops/run section for more ideas & also the predator threads
for suggestions on increasing safety in coop & run. :welcome

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