Brand new chicken farmer with questions from PA


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 10, 2013

Hello I have recently purchased this coop and run from Tractor Supply. I bought this as a beginner set up for myself. I am wondering about opinions about this specific coop and run. I am also curious about what type of bedding to use (pine straw is not an option where I live). I am starting out with a Rhode Island Red hen, a Austrolorp hen and rooster.

Feedback please!

here is the link of the coop and run

I don't have any specific opinions on the coop. As long as it provides shelter, a place for the chickens to lay an egg and room to scratch, eat bugs and enjoy the outdoors, then it's good!

I use pine shavings, bagged from a feed or farm supply store for bedding. I also like oat or wheat straw, but it mats and is harder to clean. It also creates a bigger compost pile. I know that there are other options for bedding, but those two things are usually the most economical and readily available.
Hi and welcime to BYC! Where are you from in PA. We are just outside Stroudsburg (Delaware Water Gap area) in Monroe County.

For nesting box bedding you can use

It looks as if the floor of the TSC coop you bought is wire. You probaly will want to cover that with something solid, especially for the winter. If you do, you can use sand instead of straw.

Thank you for the warm welcome! :) I am in Mercer Co., PA.. About an hour and a half north of Pittsburgh.

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