Brand new Chicken owner!


6 Years
Jun 23, 2013
South Coast of England
Hi! I live on the south coast of England and have recently got my first three chickens. I have to admit - I am in love!! I believe they are Plymouth Barred Rocks and they are about three and a half months old. We think they are all girls but one of them has a much redder face than the others - none have much in the way of combs but being an absolute novice I am afraid I may have a rooster. Will try to upload some photos soon and perhaps someone can help me?
I wouldn't give up yet, pullets get redder in the face and comb when they are approaching point of lay.
Hope you have all girls.
Hi!!! I have 2 RIR's chicks 1 cock and 1 hen and they never leave each others site!!!. I already have a cock and are going to sell the chick. It's gonna be really hard to separate them !! Any ideas how I can do this!?

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