Brand new to this


Apr 21, 2020
Central Illinois
Hi everyone! Yes, I'm so new to this I'm afraid I'll mess it up! I'm very excited to get familiar here and get to learning! I don't have any chicks yet. I am in town and allowed to have up to 4. I think I will only get 2 or 3. I'm getting ready to build a coop and a fenced area for them. I got all my lumber free so that's a good start.
Glad to be here hope to meet some great people.
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Hello, Marsha, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I second @sourland recommendation for three.
Have you visited the coop articles and Coop and Run forum so you know how much space they need as well as other critical design requirements?
Not yet, I will do that tho tomorrow as I'll have more time.
Thanks for the suggestion.

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