Breed and gender help please!


Jun 4, 2022
Howdy! Brand new chicken momma here… I need to figure out the breed and gender of this chicken. It was given to us when we got our coop a few weeks ago and I had hoped that it was a female but it’s not looking like it anymore. It’s getting some “lovely” curved tail feathers now. I want to be REALLY sure before finding him a new home though. Based off of what I was told, it’s about 4 months old now (it seems older but I also don’t know anything lol).


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I can't help with the breed, but I'm 95% sure it's female based on the absence of male-type saddle feathers.

hen vs rooster.jpeg

There are slow-developing breeds who can be very late with those feathers, but most have them starting to show in the vicinity of 12 weeks.

These are saddle feathers on 12-week-old Australorp x Wyandottes:
The profile does not look right to me for Cochin, but I know absolutely nothing. @Overo Mare ? I see the Pekins have lovely little curlies in their tails too, though! Haha the profile does not make me think either of those though.
You are likely thinking of a Bantam Cochin, which looks completely different than LF Cochins.

Lavender Cochin Cockerel.
I can't help with the breed, but I'm 95% sure it's female based on the absence of male-type saddle feathers.

View attachment 3141844

There are slow-developing breeds who can be very late with those feathers, but most have them starting to show in the vicinity of 12 weeks.

These are saddle feathers on 12-week-old Australorp x Wyandottes:
View attachment 3141846View attachment 3141848
Great info! I am so bad with anything lavender cause to me the feathers above look pointy. I’ve just started waiting for crowing to sex our Lavender Orps cause I can’t be trusted otherwise.

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