Breed and gender???


7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
Howdy all. Here is a pic (looks way worse than I thought it did) of Pecker (top) and Chickadee (bottom).

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

I'll take another tomorrow after cleaning the camera lens on my phone. I think I've got a male and a female....Chickadee being the male. I see the "rooster gill" as I call it coming in up top, nicer looking tail feathers and a few black feathers thrown in the mix. Anyone have any ideas? I've looked at tons of pics and I just can't tell. If it helps any they came from the TSC assorted pullets bin.

Thanks in advance for any and all help.
They deffinately look like Rhode Island Reds..not sure if production or not..pic is kinda fuzzy hard to tell the gender, and they look like adolescents?
They were Easter chickens so their a month or so old roughly. I'll get my daughter to take pics tomorrow while I hold them up. Just cleaned the dust off the camera lens so next ones should look much better! :) said production or not...what does that mean? How well do RIR's produce as far as eggs n such? Thanks for the replies. This is really great stuff! :)
Rhode Island reds, are brown egg layers. very proficient egg layer laying on average 250-300+ eggs a year. Production reds are an "offshoot" of Rhode Island reds (RIR) that were bred to produce even more eggs a year than the RIR. They tend to be lighter in color than the RIR are. Like a light brick shade (production) compared to a deep brick, almost brown red in a RIR. As far as the sex goes I'm not sure about that I'll have to wait for the other pics.

Both are great brown egg layers by the way!
Production RIR are supposed to be one of the best egg layers. There are true RIR's and Production RIR's, which I think are more common,

Quote:From MandyH I might be able to see better with new pics tomorrow!
Well that's great news! I'm not particular at all to egg color but wow! Those are some good numbers! I was thinking about getting two more for a total of four layers (assuming on of these wasn't a male) but if I did I'd have eggs coming out of my ears! Lol Pics to follow this afternoon/evening.
Ok. Here are more pics

These two are of Chickadee, the one I think might be a rooster

These two are of Pecker.

Here is a pic of both of em. Should look much better than the first!

I know they're both young, but the extra color in Chickadee really makes me think that he's a he. One of my friends at work told me New Hampshire Red's are very common around here in Central Texas. He said he had two until the neighbors dog got into his yard and killed them. I'm guessing that would be another offshoot of the RIR? He said they were good layers though.
I would deffinately say RIR...You can really tell by looking at their heads....RIR's are pretty distinctive. Good news, you are going to have great large brown eggs!

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